
92 Bowery St., NY 10013

+1 800 123 456 789

Weekly Meal Program and Local Help


” If you can’t feed a hundred people, the just FEED ONE.” – Mother Teresa

Warm Meals in less fortunate areas in Toronto and Surrounding Areas

The Truman Foundation’s mission to provide warm meals to those in need is a compassionate act of charity that serves numerous homeless families and shelters. This organization makes an enormous impact on these people’s lives, as the meal they provide is the first step to helping them back on track. Despite limited resources, the Truman Foundation focuses its energies to help give food, warmth and support to all those who are unable to do it for themselves. It is through organizations such as this one, who strive to make a real difference in peoples’ lives without expecting anything in return, that our world can begin to heal.

Warm Meals in less fortunate areas in Pakistan

The Truman Foundation is committed to helping those in need. Through our innovative Feed One program, the foundation provides weekly cooked meal boxes to individuals and families who are struggling to put food on the table In Pakistan.  

This vital charity campaign focuses on poverty-stricken areas of KPK and works tirelessly to support those who are most in need, regardless of race, color, creed, or political beliefs. Whether it’s providing much-needed sustenance to starving villagers or helping struggling urbanites access meals they otherwise would not be able to afford, the feed one program is making a real difference in communities across KPK. 

With your support, we can ensure that no one goes hungry ever again. If you believe in helping those less fortunate than ourselves, please donate today and help make a difference in someone’s life.

How it Works?
We love that with your help, we’re able to help people in need by cooking and distributing food. The meals on our trucks are distributed locally, which means they reach the villages where it’s most needed! Our alternating weekly wheeled distribution goes out every second week so no one has too long without warmth or nutrients – bless these charitable hearts who give their time selflessly giving away what others can’t afford themselves!

Help our organization by donating today! All donations go directly to making a difference for our cause.