
92 Bowery St., NY 10013

+1 800 123 456 789

Last 10 days Ramadan


“The best of all charities is to feed a hungry person” – Prophet Mohammad (PBUH)

Ramadan helps remind us of our human frailty and our dependence on Allah (SWT) for sustenance. Fasting helps us understand what it feels like to be hungry and thirsty and it helps build compassion for the poor and needy.

Allah (SWT) has blessed us with all kinds of food and nourishments in Canada. Unfortunately, in many parts of the world, there are people who are only able to eat only one meal a day. Every day there are thousands of people across the world who start their day fasting unsure where and how will they be able to break their fast.

The team at Truman Foundation will be feeding up to 100 people during the last 10 days of Ramadan on daily basis. We would like your contributions to help achieve this goal by donating $10 per day.

As you are aware, Laylat-al-Qadr falls on the last 10 days of Ramadan. It is said, a single act of kindness gives you a blessing equal to 1000 months.

Your $10 a day helps feed the needy during the last ten days of Ramadan when we are praying every day and asking for forgiveness for our sins. Allah (SWT) will reward your kindness and help give each of us greater reward here and in the after-life.

** UPDATES 2022 **
Alhamdulillah we were able to surpass our initial goal of $2000. We did successfully raise $3600. For social media posts please see our Instagram and Facebook. Thank you for all the support!